How to Cut Metal Roofing With A Jigsaw

It's not difficult to use a jigsaw to cut through corrugated metal panels, which is the case with most other sheet metals.

Aside from the difficulties of dealing with the corrugated metal's curvatures and bends, you'll also face issues like noise, vibration, and the need for lubrication – all of which are unavoidable.

A worker cutting a roof sheet for a construction project, How to Cut Metal Roofing With A Jigsaw

If you're going to cut metal that will be exposed to the elements, there are a few things to keep in mind, which we'll go through in this piece.


Keep in mind that a jigsaw can cut corrugated metal more swiftly and effectively than other power tools, but it is conceivable to do so with hand tools. It's also possible with a hammer or pry bar.

A metal nibbler, for example, or a circular saw angle grinder may be used. Just to clarify!

What You'll Need to Cut Corrugated Metal with a Jigsaw

A Note on Jigsaw Types:

If you're cutting thicker material, like heavy-gauge corrugated metal, you'll need a strong jigsaw.

You'll want a fast-moving jigsaw here because even though the metal isn't extremely thick (1/2 inch), it's difficult to cut with just basic power. Because stainless steel is so robust, you'll have to spend a little more and get a high-quality one. Diamond blade options are limited, therefore you can't use any


A jigsaw blade with a metal-cutting edge and your tool will be required. You'll also want a tool with the appropriate jigsaw blade. For smoother cuts, use a blade with a high number of teeth.

Use blades with from 21 to 24 teeth per inch when cutting at slower speeds.

Worker cutting roof sheet in a lengthwise size

A jigsaw blade that is long enough to avoid being drawn clear of the corrugated metal when traveling down a hill is required.

However, it is essential to note that certain metals require blades of a different kind. Metal, steel, aluminum, iron, and other metals all require distinct types of jigsaw blades. In most cases, a general metal blade will be sufficient for corrugated metal.

Supporting the Material:

Sawhorses are essential when cutting metal because they give additional support, and two of them should be enough for most applications. Simply make sure they're rated for the weight since many corrugated metal sheets can weigh a lot.

Cutting oil is required to lubricate the cut and keep your sword working smoothly if you're cutting through solid metal.

Carpenter using a jigsaw to cut a wooden plank

Measuring & Marking:

To mark a cutting line on metal, you'll also need a measuring tape, a straightedge, and some color markers (I like Sharpies).

If you're working with steel roofing, keep some paint, priming, or a sealer on hand to prevent the exposed end from rusting.


When working with metal, you must use safety equipment. It is critical to use eye protection while working with metal. A low-cost pair of clear glasses can significantly assist in preventing your eyes from being wounded by metal fragments. Warm gloves, earmuffs, and goggles are also suggested.

Using a Jigsaw to Cut Corrugated Metal

Using a marker, make a mark along the cutting line. For straight cuts, measure the length accurately and mark the ridges at the top to make aligning your straightedge easier. With a straightedge, draw the cutting line.

Measure and Mark Ridges on Corrugated Metal.

Using a plank of wood, attach the metal sheet to a sawhorse, workbench, or the ground.

If possible, fasten the sheet on both the cut and waste sides to minimize fraying.

Turn the orbital motion of the jigsaw off. Before turning on the jigsaw, connect the appropriate blade and place the tool along one end of the cutting line. Allow for plenty of time for the blade to reach full speed. Where to buy Tramadol online

Line Up A Jigsaw Along The Edge Of Corrugated Metal

Use a simple jigsaw technique for this task. Slowly guide the jigsaw toward the cutting line, moving slowly and carefully. Working with sheet metal with a jigsaw is time-consuming and difficult, especially if you're working on corrugated metal. Take your time and execute everything in an orderly manner.

If you're making a long cut, remember to oil the jigsaw's blade to keep it from getting too hot.

The amount of force needed to cut through metal is greater. The blades on a cooler stay sharper for longer and last far longer, especially when working with metal.

A gray jigsaw cutter on top of wooden plank on a carpenters work table

Continue down the cutting line until you reach the end, keeping the sheet's waste surface supported as you go.

Remove any burrs and inspect the cut. Seal the end with a sealer, paint, or whatever else you choose to prevent rust from forming.

Roofing Sheet in Corrugated Steel:

For many uses, such as roofing, external cladding, and other situations in which corrugated steel sheets are exposed to the elements, steel roof and trim should be cut with tin shears, nibblers, or snips.


Although other tools can cut metal roofing, a jigsaw may be used.

First, you'll need to cut your object into sections. This is similar to cutting other types of materials, so use the same basic methods and you should be fine.

A dark green colored roof sheet placed over old roofing

If you use a jigsaw to cut roofing sheets, make sure you take precautions so that the roof does not rust prematurely. The primary distinction between this sort of metal roofing and corrugated roofing is that corrugated roofs are prone to leaks.

To begin, the jigsaw's burrs must be sanded away - they will rust before the rest of the roof if left alone.

Remove any sharp or rough corners using a file or coarse sandpaper. The same goes for any section of the painted steel sheet on which you may have “burned” with the jigsaw.

After cutting the corrugated roofing sheet, inspect it for any filings. Because the filings on the roof corrode more quickly than other areas of the roof, they'll adhere to the surface of the material and create rust pits.

Starting a Cut In the Middle of A Sheet:

To begin, make a series of large starter holes in the center of corrugated metal with a jigsaw blade. To cut through corrugated metal, start by outlining the sheet with a marker.

Draw Cutout Shape In Metal Roofing

After you've drawn the form, use a cold chisel to punch out a starter hole or make a pilot hole. Check that the jigsaw blade has enough area to fit through these holes.

Make A Pilot Hole


Although a chisel can be utilized to punch a groove through certain of the thinner metals, a pilot hole that is drilled is generally a lot cleaner and less dangerous.

If you must use a chisel, make sure there's something solid on the other side (like a block of wood) to avoid dented metal when hammering it through.

Insert the jigsaw blade into one of the starting holes and line it up with the cutting line.

Turn on the tool and let the jigsaw blade reach the required speed. Maintain a steady pace with the running blade and cut along the cutting line.

Burrs can be prevented by slowly and carefully cutting the sheet metal while maintaining it firmly in place.

When the cut is completed, clean any burrs away and seal the incised edges with matching paint or enamel as needed.

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